Geographic Areas Served: Hazelton
Early Psychosis Intervention
Assessment, medication management, family support, and treatment for youth presenting with schizophrenia and/or psychosis. more info
Elementary and High School Services
Assists members who require assistance in elementary and high school.more info
Environmental Assessments-Hagwilget
Estate Planning Webinar
Free webinar offering practical information on wills, trusts, and estates, for anyone supporting a loved one with a disability. more info
Evergreen Foot Care Clinic
Services include: trim and file toe nails, trim thick and ingrown toenails, treat fungal infections, cracked heels calluses and corns. Provide diabetic and peripheral vascular assessment, and foot care education. Suggestions for selecting proper fitting shoes, and foot/toe splinting and padding.more info
Family Caregivers of BC
Helps family caregivers build skills, reduce stress and enhance quality of life. We believe in the power of social networks and that no one needs to care alone.more info
Family Support Group
Support for the family, friends, and caregivers of individuals with any mental illness (diagnosis not required). more info
Family Support Institute
FSI offers various Family Hang outs and Learning Explorations.more info
First Nations Health Authority
Our vision is to transform the health and well-being of BC's First Nations and Aboriginal people by dramatically changing healthcare for the better.more info
First Nations Health Benefits
Provides coverage to BC First Nations for health-related goods and services not available from other plans and programs. more info
How to Find a Family Doctor/Nurse Practitioner in your
Pacific Northwest Community?
![Image of 5 Doctors](./img/find-a-doctor-callout-image.jpg)