Health (148) Housing / Transportation (42) Low Income / Financial Support (28) Substance Use / Addictions (25) Mental Health / Counselling (46) First Nations (71) Seniors (21) Child, Youth & Family (95) Community Services (24) Abuse / Neglect (13) Education / Employment / Development (30) Gov't / Legal / Complaints / Advocacy (40)  
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Mental Health / Counselling - Adult Mental Health

Bounce Back

Free, skill-building program for adults experiencing low mood or stress with or without anxiety. Telephone coaching available with a physician’s referral.more info

Address / Contact Info
Canadian Mental Health Association
Suite 905 – 1130 West Pender St.
, Vancouver, BC, V6E 4A4
Toll-free: 1-866-639-0522
Web Links Website Email

Mental Health & Addictions

We offer mental health counselling and deliver the National Native Alcohol Drug Abuse Program, which provides alcohol and drug counselling for Tahltan members.more info

Address / Contact Info
Tahltan Health & Social Services Authority
24 Sawtooth Rd.
, Telegraph Creek, BC, V0J 2W0
Appointments. : (250) 235-3211
Administration: (250) 235-3151
Phone number (after hours): 1-866-278-0006 (Crisis line)
Fax: (250) 235-3039

Mental Health & Addictions Community Programs

A variety of programs to promote mental health. more info

Address / Contact Info
Northern Health
2520 Harrison Ave.
, Masset, BC, V0T 1M0
Phone: (250) 626-4725
Phone number (after hours): (250) 626-4711
Fax: (250) 626-4708
Web Links Website

Mental Health and Addictions

We offer the following services: clinical services, life skills, training, recreational therapy, observation unit, peri-natal, depression, supportive recovery, community response unit.more info

Address / Contact Info
Northern Health
2506 Hwy 62
, Hazelton, BC, V0J 1Y0
Phone: (250) 842-5144
24 Hour Crisis Line: 1-888-562-1214
Phone number (after hours): (250) 842-5211
Fax: (250) 842-2179

Mind Space – (formerly known as CBT Skills Groups Society)

Various Mind Space groups for patients (aged 17.5 +) with anxiety, depression, insomnia, ADHD, and/or for parents/caregivers. more info

Address / Contact Info
Web Links Website Email

My Anxiety Plan

A resource of simple, step-by-step instructions on how to deal with symptoms related to specific anxiety disorders as well general strategies - such as how to get a good night's sleep or how to deal with uncertainty in your daily life. There are also tips and techniques to help you relax, plan for more healthy living, set goals and change your way of thinking about things. more info

Address / Contact Info
Anxiety BC
Phone: (604) 620-0744
Web Links Website Website

Psychology Services

A visiting psychologist sees patients for all manner of mental health concerns. more info

Address / Contact Info
Nisga'a Valley Health Authority
4920 Tait Ave.
, Gitlaxt'aamiks (New Aiyansh), BC, V0J 1A0
Phone: (250) 633-5000
Toll-free: 1-888-233-2212
Phone number (after hours): (250) 633-2298