Geographic Areas Served: Dease Lake
Parking Permit Program
SPARC BC has been advocating for the rights of people with mobility limitations since 1969, and has been issuing parking permits for people with disabilities since 1984. more info
Patient Care Quality Office
An accessible contact for patients, residents, and family members to share feedback or concerns about quality of care in Northern Health programs.more info
Patient Travel Assistance
IVHS will provide financial assistance for travel costs related to medical appointments for any Iskut band member, whether they live on or off reserve.
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Post-Secondary Student Support
Helps improve the employability of Iskut Band members by providing them with funding to access education and skills development opportunities at the post-secondary level.more info
Postpartum Depression Anonymous
Postpartum Depression Anonymous is dedicated to helping people through the pre- and/or postpartum period. We do this by connecting and sharing with people in a peer to peer support setting. neutrality.more info
Problem Gambling Line
Free treatment and support services for anyone struggling with their own or a loved one’s gambling.more info
Public Guardian and Trustee of British Columbia
The Public Guardian and Trustee of British Columbia operates under provincial law to protect the legal rights and financial interests of children; to provide assistance to adults who need support for financial and personal decision making; and to administer the estates of deceased and missing persons where there is no one else able to do so.more info
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Remote Rehab
Remote Rehab is an online physiotherapy service that uses simple video conferencing technologies (similar to skype and zoom) to provide physiotherapy across the province of British Columbia. more info
Rental Assistance Program (RAP)
The Rental Assistance Program provides eligible low-income working families with cash assistance to help with their monthly rent payments.more info
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