Low Income / Financial Support - Food - Meals
Community Supper Club
Meals on Wheels - Prince Rupert
Provides warm and nutritious meals to seniors and disabled people who, for health reasons, have difficulties preparing their own meals. more info
Meals on Wheels - Kitimat
Meals on Wheels - Terrace
Provides warm and nutritious meals to seniors and disabled people who, for health reasons, have difficulties preparing their own meals.more info
Meals on Wheels
This service is for those individuals who are deemed high risk, live alone, or considered an eligible elder.more info
Soup Kitchen/Drop In Centre
The Salvation Army gives hope and support to vulnerable people in 400 communities across Canada.more info
St. James Soup Kitchen
The kitchen provides a nutritious meal, fellowship and friendship to all in a safe family environment. To ensure our goal of family safety we have basic rules. No alcohol, No drugs, No violent behaviour and No foul language. This service is Saturdays only, 10:45 to 12:45am.more info
How to Find a Family Doctor/Nurse Practitioner in your
Pacific Northwest Community?