Low Income / Financial Support - Food
Community Supper Club
Food Share
Distributes food to those in need, as well as educating the community about food and nutrition. works with communities and schools to deliver healthy food and food education. more info
Good Food Box
A volunteer-driven program to promote accessible & affordable healthy eating options in the Smithers area.
more info
K.A.P.S. Food Share
Kitimat Food Bank
A place where stocks of food, typically basic provisions and non-perishable items, are supplied free of charge to people in need.more info
Meals on Wheels - Prince Rupert
Provides warm and nutritious meals to seniors and disabled people who, for health reasons, have difficulties preparing their own meals. more info
Meals on Wheels - Kitimat
Meals on Wheels - Terrace
Provides warm and nutritious meals to seniors and disabled people who, for health reasons, have difficulties preparing their own meals.more info
Meals on Wheels
This service is for those individuals who are deemed high risk, live alone, or considered an eligible elder.more info
Queen Charlotte Food Bank
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