First Nations - First Nations - Child & Youth
Aboriginal Child and Youth Mental Health Program
Aboriginal Supported Child Development
After School Program
Connections Project
Early Childhood Education Program - Office of the Wet’suwet’en
The Early Childhood Development (ECD) Department is designed to help parents, service providers and family members provide the best possible start for children. Children are taught Wet’suwet’en language, culture and traditions.more info
Jordan's Principle
Jordan’s Principle is a legal requirement that provides access to services for First Nations Children. more info
National Aboriginal youth Suicide Prevention Strategy (NAYSPS)
NAYSPS targets resources that support a range of community-based solutions and activities that contributes to improved mental health and wellness among Aboriginal youth, families, and communities.more info
Northwest Inter-Nation Family & Community Services
How to Find a Family Doctor/Nurse Practitioner in your
Pacific Northwest Community?