Gov't / Legal / Complaints / Advocacy - Legal Aid /Support
Family Justice Center
Haida Gwaii Legal Project Society - Masset
Provides help with legal issues, including housing, will & estates, EI appeals, WCB, social assistance, child support, applications for legal services, or reviewing court documents.more info
Haida Gwaii Legal Project Society - Skidegate
Provides help with legal issues, including housing, will & estates, EI appeals, WCB, social assistance, child support, applications for legal services, or reviewing court documents.more info
Legal Services Society - Prince Rupert
Legal Services Society - Terrace
The law is complicated, and not everyone can afford a lawyer. We can help you with your legal issue.more info
Poverty Law
Community advocacy in poverty law. more info
Poverty Law Program
Legal support and advocacymore info
Upper Skeena Counselling & Legal Aid Society
Through cooperation with First Nations and community organizations, USCLAS strives to promote justice and understanding of the Law in the Hazelton area.more info
How to Find a Family Doctor/Nurse Practitioner in your
Pacific Northwest Community?