Health - Medical Clinics
Bulkley Valley Witset Primary Care Network
Gitanyow Health Centre
Gitsegukla Health Centre
Supports individuals through mental health and addictions, and primary health care services. Treatment approach reflects each individual's own needs and unique process of recovery.more info
Gitwangak Health Centre
Health Centre in Gitwangak (Kitwanga), BCmore info
Haisla Health Centre
A clinic (or outpatient clinic or ambulatory care clinic) is a healthcare facility that is primarily focused on the care of outpatients. more info
Iskut Valley Health Services
Provides services that promote the mental, spiritual and physical well-being of the Iskut people. Programs include doctor appointments, a dental program, and home supports for seniors.
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Kispiox Health Station
Health clinic in Kispiox, BC. more info
Kitselas Health Centre
The Kitselas Health Department works with many partners and organizations to provide a continuum of care for the people of the Kitselas community.more info
Kitsumkalum Health Centre
Health care clinic in Kitsumkalum, BC. more info
Masset Public Health
How to Find a Family Doctor/Nurse Practitioner in your
Pacific Northwest Community?