Housing / Transportation - Transportation - Bus / Transit
BC Transit and HandyDART - Kitimat
Public transit in Kitimat. HandyDART is an accessible, door-to-door shared transit service for people with permanent or temporary disabilities.more info
BC Transit and HandyDART - Smithers
BC Transit and HandyDART - Terrace
BC Transit and HandyDART - Prince Rupert
Public transit in Prince Rupert. HandyDART is an accessible, door-to-door shared transit service for people with permanent or temporary disabilities.more info
Eagle Transit
Operates medical transportation between Masset and Queen Charlotte City on behalf of Northern Health Connections. Also operates non-medical transit. more info
Medical Transportation Program
Organizes transportation for patients who need medical services in other communities.more info
How to Find a Family Doctor/Nurse Practitioner in your
Pacific Northwest Community?