Geographic Areas Served: Hazelton - Smithers and Area
M'akola Housing Society
Low income rental housing for aboriginal families.more info
Making Sense of Pain Self Management Program
Maternal Child Health (MCH)
Supports pregnant Gitxsan women and families with infants and young children, who live on reserve, to reach their fullest developmental and lifetime potential. .more info
Meals on Wheels
This service is for those individuals who are deemed high risk, live alone, or considered an eligible elder.more info
Medical Services Plan
Enrolling for MSP, Cancelling Coverage or Applying for Premium Assistance.more info
Mental Health and Addictions
We offer the following services: clinical services, life skills, training, recreational therapy, observation unit, peri-natal, depression, supportive recovery, community response unit.more info
Mental Health Family Resource Centre
We provide resources to family members and anyone in a caring relationship with someone living with a serious mental illness.more info
Mind Space – (formerly known as CBT Skills Groups Society)
Various Mind Space groups for patients (aged 17.5 +) with anxiety, depression, insomnia, ADHD, and/or for parents/caregivers.
more info
Motion Home Medical Equipment
Motion provides medical equipment and mobility aids.more info
National Aboriginal youth Suicide Prevention Strategy (NAYSPS)
NAYSPS targets resources that support a range of community-based solutions and activities that contributes to improved mental health and wellness among Aboriginal youth, families, and communities.more info