Health - Pregnancy / Newborns
Aboriginal Pregnancy Outreach Program
Dze L K'ant Friendship Centre Dease Lake Pregnancy Outreach Program
The Dease Lake Pregnancy Outreach Program provides perinatal information and resources to families with children aged 0-6.more info
North Coast Maternity Clinic
Maternity Care Providermore info
Pregnancy Outreach - Prince Rupert
The Outreach Worker provides information and support for prenatal and postnatal health along with labour and delivery information. Through the Worker, parents-to-be and new parents will receive one on one support, along with breastfeeding consultation and nutrition and healthy lifestyles guidance.more info
Pregnancy Outreach - Smithers
Pregnancy, Infant, Toddler, and Family Programs
Programs for pregnant women; new parents and infants; and pre-school children. more info
Prenatal and Newborn Screening
Prenatal genetic screening for Down syndrome, trisomy 18 or an open neural tube defect. Postnatal genetic screening for various treatable disorders. more info
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