Health - Home Care / Support
Healthy Living Center
Our services are designed to complement and supplement, but not replace, the efforts of individuals to care for themselves with the assistance of family, friends and community. more info
Home & Community Care
Our services are designed to complement and supplement, but not replace, the efforts of individuals to care for themselves with the assistance of family, friends and community. more info
Home and Community Care - Terrace
Wide variety of services for adults with acute, chronic, palliative, or rehabilitation health needs, including: residential programs; OT and PT; support and personal care; day programs; and respite. more info
Home and Community Care - Hagwilget
Helps Elders; people with chronic illness; or anyone incapacitated or with limited mobility, remain in their homes and in the community as long as possible.more info
Kitimat Home Support
Services for patients of all ages, from wound care, medication administration, disabilities, physical and emotional needs. Acute/Chronic/Palliative.more info
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