Seniors - Terrace and Area
Better At Home
Better at Home is a program funded by the provincial government of British Columbia and managed by the United Way of the Lower Mainland. This program was created to reduce isolation, enhance mobility, and support independence among BC’s growing population of seniors.
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Family Caregivers of BC
Helps family caregivers build skills, reduce stress and enhance quality of life. We believe in the power of social networks and that no one needs to care alone.more info
Frailty Assessment Test
Happy Gang Centre for Seniors
Activities for seniors, including bingo, bridge, cribbage; as well as daily lunch and monthly themed dinners.more info
Long-term Care
Residence for people who have complex care needs and can no longer be cared for in their own homes.more info
Seniors Abuse and Information Line
Ensuring older adults in BC can live with dignity, safe from abuse of any kind. more info